Spectacular chalet located in Elche pedanias, in the area of La Hoya, just one kilometer away. With a constructed area of 210 square meters and a plot of 5000 square meters, this property offers spacious indoor and outdoor spaces. It has a kitchen of12 square meters, living room50squaremetersandaprivate terraceofmore than56squaremeters.The house has twocomplete bathroomsanda modern renovation that includes underfloor heating and security systems such as automatic blindsandalarm.Thesouth-facinghousehasunobstructedviews tothe surrounding natural landscape.Italsohasabarbecueandanicely maintained garden withautomaticirrigation.Itoffersextraslike solar panelsandautomaticgates.Thisproperty isideal forfamilieslookingfortranquilityandthecomfortofrurallife,yetnot giving upurban serviceswhicharejustminutesawaybybus orcar.supermarkets,schoolsandmedicalcenters.
Building year:
1980 (45 year/s)Condition:
Renovated/modernisedSecurity measures:
Security door